How will you break time?

So, let us say you have stumbled on the secret to time travel. We all know that the responsible thing to do would be to not use it at all, and if you do to not disrupt a single thing in fear of screwing up all history. We all know that the temptation to go into the past is a little bit too strong and that not changing anything is nearly unavoidable. That said, here are a few scenarios that you will tell us how you would react. In the end we'll tell you how you will most likely screw everything up.

First off, you know HOW to time travel...but the technology has to be put into something. So before you go on your adventure into the past, choose one to turn into a time machine.

My own car
A chair
A DeLorean
Okay actually, maybe I will go back in a MONSTER TRUCK
Phone Booth

Your time machine has been built. Now where do you travel first?

My teenage years
World War 2
The days of swords and sorcery
A Week ago

Let us assume you traveled to your younger years. What do you do first?

Leave an anonymous note for my past self.
Visit all the places I used to love as a kid.
Go visit the place I always wanted to see but never did that is now now closed.
Go see that movie I always wished I had seen in theaters.
Flirt with the woman/man that I always hated being too young for.
Get drunk
Go to a science expo to laugh at what everyone thought technology would be like in the future.
Rob a bank or two

Now let's jump back even more to World War 2. What sounds like fun?

Join the war effort!
I hear this era's world's fair was rad!
Take a few pictures
Punch out as many nazi's as I can before I go back home.
See how the places I frequent now used to look way back in the early 40s.
Visit a war effort show intended for the troops. Hot ladies/dudes will be all over the place at one of those!
Start claiming that you have invented this computer thing so that in 1942 you can claim Atanasoff-Berry ripped you off.
See the relief and joy on the faces of people when the war is declared to be over.

Let's go back to the renaissance!

Convince Da Vinci to paint me instead of the Mona Lisa.
Bury something from the present so I can unearth it and completely mess with science later.
Sit around and be bored since I can't understand what anyone is saying.
I can't really say I'm much of an art fan, so if I can somehow shut up future art nerds by stealing a few originals...then okay
Convince people that I'm one of the multitude of budding artists so that I might convince them to let me paint them...nude.
I dunno...this was a time of tons of weak scaffolding used to keep artists close to ceilings. I wouldn't mean to but I would probably accidentally break one of those and immediately leave. I AM A BUTTER FINGERS, OKAY!
Annoyed by how everyone in the renaissance is a proto-hipster, I will try to out-hipster them by talking about everything I enjoy so that when the items are created and bands are formed I can announce that I liked them before they were cool.

Now we will jump back to the middle ages. What to do!?

Try to figure out what REALLY was behind all that dark magic stuff.
Enter a jousting tournament...ya know...after learning to joust.
Add a medieval broadsword to my pile of stuff from my past, the 40s and the renaissance.
I will be spending so much time trying to hide my time machine that I'll wish I had chosen "Chair" for question 1.
Buy a house and see if I can find it still preserved in the future.
Rescue a princess/prince from a dragon!
Visit a few castles.

Before you leave the middle ages, a orphan child notices you climbing into your time machine. What do you do?

Sell him to slave traders.
Assume the orphan will not be missed and convince him to be your new traveling buddy!
Tell him the tales of your travels so you might become legend.
Ignore him and take off into the future or past while he watches.
Wait until the child gets bored and leaves.
Have the kid take you to the nearest bar...might as well get some ale before you head off.

Finally you go back to prehistory.

Hunt a dinosaur!
Capture a tiny dinosaur.
Bury an iPhone so that you can both completely destroy science's methods for figuring out how old something is and also derailing Apple's dominance by claiming they didn't invent their most popular device.
Write your name in something that will likely become fossilized later.
Be glad there are no people around to accidentally m...OH MY GOD PREHISTORIC MONKEY! DON'T STEAL MY TIME MACHINE!
This answer connects to a result that Cody can't figure out how to fit into this time period.