How well do you know comic book history?

Comics have been around for a long time...but do you have any idea of how they got to where they are? Well let us see...

1.) Historically speaking, what country has produed the majority of the world's comic books?

The United States

2.) The first comic book to establish the modern day comic format was the 1934 publication of what?

Calvin and Hobbes
Famous Funnies
Action Comics
Uncle Scrooge Comics

3.) While many people associate modern day American comic books with superheroes, comics did not start out that way. The earliest age of comics was mostly about telling varied types of stories with very little to no focus on a super powered hero. This age is known as what?

Silver Age
Golden Age
Bronze Age
Platinum Age
Modern Age

4.) Comic books in America were never a major industry until Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created this character in 1938:

Mr. Marvel
Howard the Duck
The Crypt Keeper

5.) Following World War II, superhero comics began to become less popular and were replaced with crime and horror titles. Once this new type of comic began being blamed for the delinquency of young people, superheros were revived and a code of ethics was agreed upon by the industry as a form of self-regulation. What was this code called?

The Comic Authority
The De Factor Adherance
The Comics Code
The Code
Self Regulation Authority

6.) During the age created by the previous question, a surge of underground comics began circulating in smaller venues such as head shops, record stores and mail order. The very first of these was:

The Adventures of Jesus
Tijuana Bibles
Rulah, Jungle Goddess
The Sexual Adventures of Mr. Hyde

7.) As we entered into the Modern Age of comic books, stories became much darker and creators became more well known. Though despite an increase in grim subject matter, not every form of behavior was welcomed. DC recalled the original run of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen #5 due to it containing an advertisement that many saw as a jab at the company's largest competitor. What was this ad for?

Marvel Tampons
Image Laxatives
Marvel Contraception
Marvel Douche
Diaper Boom
Image Hemeroid Cream

8.) British comics developed similarly to American comics in format, but eventually decided a change in size would better suit their needs. British comics tend to be:

Magazine size
Newspaper size
Paperback novel size
Somewhere between a magazine and an American comic book.

9.) Japanese comics are typically referred to as:


10.) Many American superheroes did not start out in comic books named after themselves. DC introduced Superman in what comic?

Uncle Scrooge Comics
Amazing Fantasy
Detective Comics
Action Comics

11.) While the underground market in America did grow to have a good standing, the Japanese market for fan-made comics has become significantly larger. These fan-made works are referred to as:
