What is your terrible concoction?

What is life without a little adventure? What is food without a little experimentation? We are here to let you know what experimental concoction you should try to expand your culinary arsenal. For this first edition of this type of quiz we are taking nothing but drinks made in the recently completed YNIN video podcast series "The C.O.G. / Ydoc Experiment". Feel our pain!

First off, let us discuss pulp. How do you feel about it?

Eww! I hate stuff floating around in my drinks!
If it's very tiny flakes of the stuff, it's okay.
Pulp is almost too small, I love stuff in my drinks!

Do you like holidays?

Yes! I love them all!
I only really like the winter holidays.
I only really like the fall holidays.
I only like spring/summer holidays.

Do you enjoy thick drinks?

The thicker the better!
Moderately thick drinks are okay, but if it is difficult to use a straw...then no thank you.
No...just...just no

Pick a normal beverage:

Lots of Soda
Hot Cocoa
Energy Drink
A fruit juice

What is the best meal of the day?

Breakfast! It is also the most important one!
Dessert! I will destroy everything else!

Are you lactose intolerant?

Yeah...it's bad news for myself and those around me if I ingest the evil dairy.

How much of a factor does smell play in determining if you will try a food or not?

A big one! If it smells bad, I'm not going near it. If it smells good, I am very interested.
Only if it smells bad
Only if it smells good
Smell plays no real part in my decision making process.

Are calories a factor you take into consideration when chosing what to eat?

Nope! Bring on the heavy deliciousness!
Yeah, I don't like things to be on the low side of the calorie scale.

Can we feet you meat?



I...in my food?