What fictional disease do you have?

With the TV Show House M.D. finally ending, I felt like now would be a good time to see what diseases you guys have. However I know some of you are hypochondriacs, so let's stick to diseases that aren't real....We'll also narrow it down to a small handful of options. Let's go!

We're going to skip the male/female question this week. WHAAAAT!? I know. Anyway, Do you consider yourself kinda different from most people or more...normal?

I am as normal as they come, bub.

The last time you were in a fight...who did you go up against?

A God
Just a regular old jerk from the opposite sex.
A car
A corpse
A biter

Do you tend to make your own decisions?

Kinda, but I mostly just go with the flow. Whatever the group wants to do.
Of course I do!
So wait, people are still talking to me in this scenario?
I'm sorry, what was the question?
I don't know if I would really call them decisions. I don't really think about things all that much.

When do you find yourself to get sick the most often?

When I travel
When I over exert myself.
When I don't exert myself enough.
When I am uder a lot of stress.
I don't remember.
When I hang around too many people.

What happened the last time that you hurt yourself?

I got hit in the head pretty hard.
Well, there was a point where I couldn't see to well.
I shocked the crap out of myself.
I started hurting my friends for making fun of me.
I got really weak and passed out...
I don't know! I'm awkward okay! I hurt myself all the time....
I tried to feel like a bigger person by randomly attacking the person closest to me that was different.
I died. Thanks for bringing it up, you douche.
Ydoc, I'm not going to lie. This question is stupid and I can tell that you have less information to go on than you thought you would and don't have enough time to come up with another premise. Sooo...I'm just going to say x-men so we can move on.

Yes, this one still applies. Weapons or Powers?


Did you get sick more often as an adult or a child?

I'm still a kid, ya jerk. (In that case, this site may be too old for you.)

Pick a form of media you are most influenced by.

Comic Books
LIve Action Television
Video Games

Do you feel the virus that kills huge portions of the population will be man made or something natural?

Man Made Virus
Man Made Cure Turned Deadly
Created by something that isn't human
It will simply be an allergen or something that causes our own bodies to destroy themselves.
Naturally formed or mutated virus
It won't be a virus at all. It will instead be a parasite.
What just happened?

Lastly, are you more prone to airborne viruses or ones that require lots of contact?

I am way prone to airborne stuff.
I pretty much have to come in contact with a person to catch their ills.
I don't really catch things from people.