What animated mascot are you?

Companies have been trying to brand themselves using animated characters for years. It gives them a face that people instantly can associate with a name...plus merchandising and marketing of a character is way easier to do than with text. Heck even YNIN does it! Many of these characters become beloved by people as they grow up with them and that can even instill brand loyalty for a lifetime. So...let us take a look at just some of these characters, to see which one best represents you.

First off, let us go with an easy one. Are you male or female?


Okay, so you are sitting at home bored. Your hands would be most likely to naturally reach for which of the following?

Junk food
Health food
Something between junk food and health food
The remote control
Something to browse the internet with
A video game controller/device
Something to calm the nerves

Do you say the same phrases often? Perhaps...too often?

Not really, though with how often people bring up things I've said...one could be led to believe I do.
I don't, no...but for some reason people tend to use the same phrase or phrases around me.
Nah, I talk like a normal person.
I don't really talk all that often.

Your friend is in jail. What do you do?

I'll go visit them eventually...but I am insanely busy.
By "friend" ...you are secretly referring to me aren't you. 'cause yeah, I'm the one most likely in jail.
My friends wouldn't be in jail. ...Kidnapped...on the other hand...
I probably put them there. I can't sit by and let anyone, even a friend, do something so...lacking in nobility as break the law.
Bust 'em out by digging under their cell!
Break 'em out by just busting in and escaping!
Visit them as soon as possible...ya know...because I like to be super honest and boring with my answers.

What is your opinion on facial hair?

It's cool. Mustaches only would be preferable.
Any kind of facial hair is cool with me.
Is it part of a disguise? Also removable?
None...no thank you...please no...

Your animated image has the opportunity to be put on more than one type of product. What are your boundries?

I'm cool with almost anything, though I do have a few restrictions.
Are you kidding? I have no shame! Put me on everything under the sun and let the money start rolling in!
...well t-shirts are okay, but that's it!...at least for now.
T-shirts are fine, and maybe a few other things here and there...but those would be a rarity.
Just put me on whatever products make me look cool and sexy.
I would really rather not be put on any products. Consumerism is terrible.

So, what skill do you bring to the table?

Quick reflexes
I'm a master and devising plans.
I am pretty good with my voice.
I am a born leader.
I can break things
My quick wit
Nothing...I have no discernible skills.

Listen up. Color. Pick one SUCKA!

No...I refuse. Bite me, Ydoc.

So remember where you picked a skill? Now let us pick a fault.

I may be a bit headstrong...
I occaaaasionally have a bit of a problem with my will power.
I will occasionally take things a bit too far.
I'm a bit obsessive
I will occasionally hurt people who inadvertantly get in my way.
I can break things.
I have been called naive...
I'm a hypochondriac.
I aint that smart.
I'm a pretty bad influence all around.

How old are you?

Preteen or Tween