What is your movie plot?

A lot of stuff happens in your life...and sometimes it feels like a movie. So what typical movie path best fits you? Let us find out?

First off, what is your age range?

Under 13
13 - 19
20 - 30
Above 30

First question is over. THANK GOD, am I right!? Haha...okay, moving on. What kind of music do you tend to listen to?

Heavy Metal
World music
Indie stuff!

So, think about your best friend. Did you like that person at first?

Yeah! We've always been pretty close.
Not really. At first, I didn't really want to spend time with him/her.
Are you kidding? I was very much not a fan of him/her at first.
I don't really have a best friend. I have a group of friends though.

So, is there anyone of the gender you find yourself attracted to that you see semi-regularly but yet you also happen to strongly dislike them?


Would you play mental games with people for money?

Sure I would! In fact...that's kind of my thing.
As long as it is part of a bigger picture, sure I would.
I would...reluctantly.
I would only do it if it was really necessary...and not for money.
No! That's wrong!
I have no interest in mind games.

What generally stands in the way between you and love?

Just random situations beyond my control
Sexier people
I just can't find a way to be there enough.
Nothing really. I find love to be pretty easy.
Actually love generally ends up standing between me and other stuff / goals.
I have no interest in such things.

Your problems and experiences tend to...

Bring you closer to your friends.
endear people to you.
be a bit more serious than everyone else's.
be easier to handle when I help others with their problems.
be things that I won't allow to keep me from my goals.
be temporary set backs.
ultimately merge with the problems and experiences of others thus forming one problem that once solved will fix everything.
be pointy.
seem bigger than they actually are.

Each group of friends tends to have some extra person injected into it from time to time. Who is this person likely to be for you?

The person to blame things on.
Full of useful information.
Trying to take something or someone from me.
A rival I have a begrudging respect for.
A useful partner.
I...don't think I understand this question.